Without your generous support, we wouldn’t be here. This campaign is about you, the people of Cleveland, and Lakewood. Come as you are, pay what you can. All are welcome.
And Tomorrow
Cleveland Jobs With Justice 27th Annual Celebration Thursday, October 24 from 6:30 to 8 pm ( digital )Take Advantage of this opportunity! Due to the generosity of this year’s sponsors of our Annual Celebration, we have 20 free tickets available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Register here for our event on Thursday, October 24th, at 6:30pm via Zoom at no cost, to hear labor activist and author Phil Cohen discussing his latest book, The Jackson Project: War in the American Workplace, and his ongoing War Stories series, featured on Work-Bites, an online labor news outlet. We will also be giving away four $50 Penzey’s gift cards and signed copies of Phil’s book! All participants will be entered into the drawings; winners will be chosen on the night of the event!
And Next Month
CCPC November Meeting: Election Recap and More! Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30 to 8 pm. And let’s hope and pray that we’re celebrating good news. Our particular focus will be on the impact of the local, state and national election results as they relate to the progressive movement. And we’ll try to anticipate where the progressive movement is going in 2025. Also we’ll have an update on the Crisis Pregnancy Centers which seem to have emerged in our area. Please click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link.