Upcoming Events

CCPC March Membership Meeting: Statehouse Issues

Tuesday, March 18 from 6:30 to 8 pm.

As horrible as things are in Washington, things are just as bad in Columbus. Rachel Coyle, the Communications Director at Innovation Ohio will be joining us to preview upcoming bills and the upcoming budget. You may know of or have seen Rachel’s popular advocacy training program ” How Things Work at the Ohio Statehouse,” which teaches Ohioans how to be effective Statehouse activists.

Please click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link.

Past Events

CCPC February Meeting: Issue Updates

Wednesday, February 19 – 6:30pm to 8:00pm on Zoom

Agenda items include: 1) Trump – One month in 2) The continuing lead issue in Cleveland. Spencer Wells from CLASH will be joining us for this update.

Click here to register and receive the Zoom link.

CCPC Banned Book Bingo Fundraiser 

Thursday, January 30 from 5 to 8 pm @ UAW Local 1250 Hall, 17250 Hummel Rd. Brook Park 44142.

To celebrate our ninth anniversary we thought we would do something a little different and something that will be a lot of fun and informative! Robyn Forney from Red, Wine and Blue will be joining us to present Banned Book Bingo with prizes being awarded to those who say BINGO first after each round. Doors open at 5 and bingo starts at 6. We’ll provide pizza and if you want to drink, the event is BYOB. If you can’t make it but are able to donate please go to Donate to CCPCIf you can make it but are unable to donate, please come anyway!

CCPC November Meeting: Election Recap and More!

Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30 to 8 pm.

And let’s hope and pray that we’re celebrating good news. Our particular focus will be on the impact of the local, state and national election results as they relate to the progressive movement. And we’ll try to anticipate where the progressive movement is going in 2025. Also we’ll have an on the Crisis Pregnancy Centers which seem to have emerged in our area. Please click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link.

As you probably know, immigration has become the top issue in this year’s presidential election. This is primarily because the xenophobic racist Republicans are spreading lies and myths about what’s really going on at the border. Deb Kline from the Immigration Working Group of Cleveland will be joining us to sort through the facts and the Republican myths. Please click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link

CCPC West Side Summer Outdoor Celebration / Fundraiser 

Tuesday, August 6 from 6 to 8 pm @ Madison Park Pavillion, 13201 Madison Ave. Lakewood 44107. 

We had so much fun the last time we were in Lakewood., we thought it would be great to do it again! The fundraiser part of the event is optional and only for those willing and able to make a donation. The main agenda item for the evening is to spend some quality time with your fellow progressive activists. CCPC will provide food and drinks but if you would like to bring something to share that would be great. The pavilion has picnic tables but if you’d prefer, bring your most comfortable lawn chair. Candidates and elected officials are welcome to also give a few short remarks. But mostly let’s have fun and enjoy being outdoors!