Run for Office

Want to change things? Run for office!
There are multiple paths to elected office. We will do our best to lay out what these paths are and give you resources to help you along the way.
If you are a progressive who
wants to run for office, CCPC can help!
We can provide a comprehensive look at the nuts and bolts of running for office with a progressive agenda. There are three primary areas of focus:
Campaign Finance
We will explain the most effective ways to raise money and how your treasurer can accurately and efficiently complete campaign finance reports.
Progressive Messaging
How do you define the word to a voter who asks what progressive means? How do you use progressive messaging in a community that isn’t considered progressive? How can you message something like the Green New Deal in a suburban municipal race? We’ve got you covered.
How to Win!
We know what needs to be done on a day to day, week to week and month to month basis to achieve victory. CCPC can talk you through the entire process until election day and help you navigate every step of the process.
CCPC Endorsed Candidates now include two State Senators, two State Representatives, five mayors (including the mayor of Cleveland), 25 City Council members and three school board members in Cuyahoga County, and the Chair of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party is a CCPC member.
If you’re interested in running for office, please contact CCPC Political Director Steve Holecko at 440-220-1874 or