CCPC Endorsement Process

Why seek the endorsement of CCPC?
Earn the progressive seal of approval! We promote CCPC Endorsed Candidates to our 6,000+ member community, boost your events and may have opportunities to share your message directly with our members. We are proud of our track record: CCPC Endorsed Candidates now include two State Senators, two State Representatives, five mayors (including the mayor of Cleveland), 25 City Council members and three school board members in Cuyahoga County, and the Chair of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party is a CCPC member.
CCPC Candidate Endorsement Process
If you are a candidate interested in the CCPC endorsement,
1. Please contact CCPC Political Director Steve Holecko at 440-220-1874 or (CCPC does not do formal endorsements for Judicial races).
2. Each candidate will be required to fill out a questionnaire and submit it by a deadline that will be determined shortly after the December filing deadline.
3. A screening committee will review each applicant’s record and conduct an interview to ensure they share our progressive values.
4. If the screening process shows that the applicant shares our values, CCPC membership will then vote electronically on the endorsement with access to each candidates’ questionnaire. If only one candidate applies for the endorsement, there will be a vote to “Approve” or “Disapprove” the endorsement. If multiple candidates apply, there will be a vote between the candidates (with an option to not endorse in that race). A 2/3 threshold is needed for the endorsement to occur. When there are multiple candidates, CCPC often hosts Candidate Forum events before the endorsement vote so our members can make a more informed decision.”