Recommended Taking a Break Next Week
CCPC Recommended is taking a break next week because of the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope you all have a great long weekend enjoying family and friends in what may be our last fascist free Thanksgiving. We’ll see you again on December 10. CCPC News and Events will go out tomorrow instead of Thursday this week and again on December 12.
Randy’s Rants
Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll be featuring a different one each week for as long as Randy is willing to write them.
CCPC Recommended
Cyber – Security Experts Warn Election Was Hacked CCPC generally does not promote conspiracy theories but this one at least deserves a read. In any given presidential election about one percent of voters vote only for a presidential candidate. This year, only in the seven battleground states, between seven and eleven percent voted only for Donald Trump. That is a major statistical outlier. One thing is certain. If Musk and Trump were capable of rigging the election they certainly would have. What do you think?
GOP Senators deride the idea of replacing FBI background checks for Trump nominees In another of the long series of WTF stuff since the election, Trump apparently wants private investigators instead of the FBI to do the background checks on his nominees. In the spirit of the fascist tradition, Trump himself would pick the investigators who of course would find that the nominees are all good. Thankfully in this instance the Senate seems to be rejecting Trump being totally in control. And hopefully this trend continues.
Trump wants to dismantle the Education Department. What it would mean Here’s what the Department of Education does. It distributes billions of dollars a year to colleges and schools and manages the student loan portfolio. It also has a regulatory role in services to students ranging from those with disabilities to low income and homeless kids. A former wrestling executive with no experience in education has been chosen to lead ( or dismantle ) the department. Pink Floyd’s ” We don’t need no education.” seems to be Trump’s policy on education.
Trump picks TV’s Dr. Oz to run the Medicare Medicaid agency Which is similar to picking the Wizard of Oz to run the agency. Although he was a surgeon before he gained fame among right – wingers with his junk science medical theories, he has no administrative experience. Which you would think might be necessary to handle an agency that spends $2.3 trillion a year. The agency also oversees the Affordable Care Act subsidies. He will be working very closely with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to oversee, or destroy, our healthcare system.
Ukraine president says he wants to end the Russia war with diplomacy next year President Zelensky said last week that he hopes to end the war with Russia next year through ” diplomatic means ” as both countries prepare for Trump to re enter the White House. The sad truth is that he has no choice because Trump will most certainly cut off military aid. But will Trump negotiate a settlement resulting in loss of Ukraine territory so he and Putin can claim victory or will he just cut off aid and let Putin finish the job and open the door to the rest of Europe. 
House passes bill that would allow Treasury to strip nonprofits of tax – exempt status The U.S. House passed a bill last week that would authorize the treasury secretary to designate nonprofit organizations as supporters of terrorism and strip them of their tax – exempt status. The bill is expected to pass in the Senate without much opposition. After January 20 it will be Trump’s Treasury Secretary who determines what ” supporters of terrorism ” means. And it is safe to assume groups supporting Palestine will be in this category.
Ohio Republicans Propose Requiring Proof of Citizenship for Voting, Removing Drop Boxes November’s election went off without a hitch and it was a great day for the GOP.But emboldened by Trump’s victory the fascist’s who control the General Assembly now want even more voter restrictions. No drop boxes means mailing your absentee ballot or waiting in line downtown to drop off your ballot. Do you know where your birth certificate is? You’ll need it if you move and need to update your voter registration.
Backers of the voting rights amendment can collect signatures after the ballot board advances proposal The amendment would declare voting a fundamental right, triggering heightened judicial scrutiny of laws that infringe on it. It would enshrine voting hours, early voting. automatic voter registration via the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, online voter registration and loosening voter identification requirements. Backers of the amendment have not yet decided which year they will attempt to get the amendment on the ballot.
How will Ohio replace its 750,000 lead – based water lines New federal rules went into effect last month that require utilities to replace all water service lines made out of lead within the next decade. This will be a big job for Ohio. The EPA ( which hopefully Trump won’t abolish ) says the state has about 750,000 of those lines, which is the third highest in the United States. Even Cincinnati, which has a significant head start, could struggle to meet the challenge 
‘ We Don’t Know What’s Gonna Happen ‘: Northeast Ohio Immigration Advocates Brace for Trump 2.0 One local Immigration attorney’s quote is ” They’re saying, please tell me what’s going to happen in my case! They said they’re going to deport everybody! ” And that’s exactly what Trump said he would do and what his transition is pointing to. And the fear among the local immigrant community is real. The good news is local immigration advocates have been preparing for over a year for this possibility. The bad news is so has the Trump administration. 
Stephen Miller’s Racially Motivated Animus Toward Immigrants Is Revealed White House Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller is no friend to immigrants – particularly to those he views as ” lesser than.” While this is evident from the anti – immigrant policies Miller has promoted over the last three years, it is also crystal clear in the private messages he sends to other anti – immigrant activists. If you want the sordid details, please click the link to read the article.
The Trump administration’s next target: naturalized US citizens It appears that even immigrants who are naturalized citizens may not be safe from deportation because Miller has declared that he will pursue the seldom used process of ” denaturalization ” to go after people who have been citizens for years or decades based on ” suspicions ” about purported fraud on their naturalization applications. Although it is likely  that logistically and financially this would be impossible, they seem like they’re going to try.
4 ways Trump’s mass deportation plans could hurt your finances The most significant of the 4 is that inflation would skyrocket. Deporting millions of undocumented workers would mean that businesses would need to replace those laborers. With historically low unemployment, finding people willing to work for low pay could be difficult, and companies would need to advertise higher wages to attract workers to replace deported laborers. 
What Immigrants Really Mean to Ohio According to the American Immigration Council about 4.9% of Ohio’s residents are foreign born, and 2.4% of Ohio’s U.S. born residents live with at least one immigrant in their household. The AIC also found that immigrants make up 6.1% of Ohio’s labor force, while also accounting for 8% of entrepreneurs, 11.7% of STEM workers and 5% of all nurses in the state. And last year they paid $7 billion in taxes and put $18.7 billion back into the economy. 
Black Lives Matter
A decade after Tamir Rice was fatally shot by Cleveland police officer, his mother and cousin say real change hasn’t come Friday marked a decade since Tamir was shot and killed by then – officer Timothy Loehmann outside Cudell Recreation Center in Cleveland in one of the most controversial police shootings in the city’s history. And at last Friday’s City Club event the message from the panelists was that, sadly, not much has changed since then in police practices.
The DOJ opens investigation into fatal Sonya Massey shooting  The Department of Justice has opened an investigation into the murder of Sonya Massey, a Black woman shot by a white police officer in July after calling to report a prowler outside her home. The DOJ is also investigating the county’s central emergency dispatch system for violations of federal nondiscrimination policies. This is great news but let’s hope the investigation continues after Trump controls the DOJ
Former Marine misused a combat technique in fatal subway chokehold of Jordan Heely, trainer testifies When Daniel Penny wrapped his arm around a Black homeless man on a Manhattan subway last year, the 25 year old veteran appeared to be deploying a non – lethal chokehold long drilled into U.S. Marines. Done right, the maneuver should knock a person out without killing them. But held too long the maneuver can cut the flow of blood to the brain and can kill the person in a matter of minutes. And that’s exactly what happened.
Cuyahoga County Jail Will Now Do More Than Show People the Door Some rare good news in this week’s Recommended. For years Cuyahoga County has offered little help to people before releasing them from one of the worst jails in Ohio. But now a revamped reentry program is being finalized to assist people as they leave jail. The program will connect people with basic needs, including housing, employment. healthcare and other services.
Homicides continue to drop in Cleveland: as violent deaths have declined 37% over last year Slayings in Cleveland continue to drop, as the city had just five in the last six weeks. Last year, there were 15 during that time. So far this year police have investigated 93 homicides. During the same period last year police had investigated 148. This is great news as the trend is similar nationwide. What is not great news is that Trump was able to convince voters that crime is rampant nationwide.
CMSD forecast shows district quickly running out of money despite levy approval Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Board of Education voted last week to approve a five year forecast that still shows the district rapidly running out of money, despite voters approving a levy earlier this month. The new forecast shows the district with a $25 million surplus at the end of the 2025 – 26 school year but a $71 million deficit by the end of the next school year.
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Steve Holecko

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CCPC Recommended

Randy’s Rants Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll...

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CCPC Recommended

Randy’s Rants Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll...

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CCPC Recommended

Randy’s Rants Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll...

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