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No on HJR 1 Day of Action!
No on HJR 1 Day of Action Wednesday, May 3 @ 12:30 pm @ Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad St. Columbus 43215. Please click the link for details
Abortion Access Constitutional Amendment Petitions Are Ready For Pickup!
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party, Every Tuesday thru Saturday from noon to 6 pm @ 3615 Superior Ave. Cleveland 44114 ( look for blue awning on Superior )
ACLU of Ohio  Every Monday and Friday from 10 am to 7 pm @ 4506 Chester Ave. Cleveland 44103
Shaker Heights UU Congregation   Every Wednesday from noon to 3 pm and every Friday from 3 to 6 pm @  21600 Shaker Blvd. Shaker Heights 44122
Cleveland Heights Every Monday and Saturday from 1 to 3 pm @ 1648 Compton Rd. Cleveland Heights 44118
West Shore UU Church Every Sunday from 10 am to 1 pm @ 20401 Hilliard Blvd. Rocky River 44116
CCPC Petition Delivery Service
If you can’t make it to the above locations to pick up a petition to circulate please fill out the form in the link below. Someone in your area will then contact you about getting you a petition to circulate.

NEW CCPC Shirts Now Available!

Support CCPC and get your new tee shirt today, featuring our logo and “Educate. Organize. Mobilize.” tagline. Union-printed on a soft tee, shirts are available in sizes S-2XL and will be shipped to your address. Click here to get your shirt and support CCPC!


CCPC Recommended
East vs. West, neighborhood vs. city center: How the West Side Market debate is a microcosm of Cleveland politics The question is whether or not to spend $15 million to renovate the market. Opposition is coming from City Council members who represent Ward’s that have a greater need for the money. Also in the mix is the question of ” haves vs. have nots ” and is this just another gentrification project?
Cleveland City Council approves legislation to end medical debt for nearly 50,000 residents Using $1.9 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds, the city will purchase the debts and pay them off. A special thanks to Cleveland City Council for unanimously approving this very worthwhile use of the ARPA funds.
Cuyahoga County Council Considering Legislation to Stop Doing Business with Companies That Commit Wage Theft Congratulations to our friends at Guardians for Fair Work for making this happen! And a special thanks to those of you who were at last week’s County Council meeting and to County Councilman and CCPC member Dale Miller who introduced the legislation!
Cuyahoga County fell nearly $1 million behind in bills creating ‘ hardship ‘ for human service providers Health and human service contracts typically end December 31 but aren’t renewed until months later. Agencies are then forced to dip into their own savings while they wait for the contracts to be renewed. The county is working on fixing the problem. Let’s hope so.
Cleveland Clinic Lutheran nurses, other staff vote to authorize strike The nurses have been SEIU members since 1997, long before the Clinic took over the hospital. Since then the Clinic has frequently tried to decertify the union and are now unwilling to negotiate a fair contract. We wish our brothers and sisters at Lutheran good luck!
Ohio House approves $88 billion state budget. sending it to the Senate The budget has changed significantly since Gov. Mike DeWine’s original proposal in January. And expect more changes in the Senate’s version. Let’s see what we finally end up with when the process is completed at the end of June.
Opponents of August Special Election Continue to Use Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s Own Words Against Him If the consequences of the 60% threshold to pass a constitutional amendment weren’t so horrible, this article would actually be humorous. Fascist Frank’s numerous statements opposing August special elections were only a few months ago.
PAC backed by Illinois billionaire pushes for vote on making it harder to amend Ohio constitution This actually comes close to or maybe exceeds Fascist Frank’s hypocrisy, The excuse they’re using to make it harder to pass the abortion access constitutional amendment is that the 60% threshold will keep out of state interests from influencing Ohio politics. LOL!
The feeling among Ohio Environmental Organizations is that most people think this is wrong. And so the ask is for a longer public comment period. Let’s hope it is granted.
The Religious Right has never been smaller or more powerful Statistics show that America has never been more godless than it is today. But the fascist Republicans need to placate them for their vote. And because of that they are forced to take very extreme positions on abortion that most of the country rejects.
Joe Biden announces he is running for president again, setting up possible Trump rematch Possible but maybe not likely. It is very rare in American history that each party’s likely nominee a year and a half out actually ends up facing each other. Something unforeseen usually derails one or both of them.
The keys to a hypothetical Tucker Carlson 2024 campaign  The ousted Fox News host could go to a lesser conservative media outlet. But like Trump, he is an egomaniac with a large following so running for president is not that far fetched. The best description of him in the article is ” Trump with a vocabulary. “
Sports Betting Is the ‘ New Oxycontin ‘ The online gambling industry is profiting off addiction the same way the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma profited from Opioids with state governments eagerly looking to join them as pushers. Imagine being an addict and all you had to do to get your drug is open your phone or computer.
How Minnesota is becoming a laboratory in pushing progressive policy Nearly four months in the Minnesota State Legislature has already protected abortion rights, legalized recreational marijuana and restricted gun access. And coming soon is expanding paid family leave and expanding the rights of trans youths. It might be worth the really cold winters to live there!
Black Lives Matter
Rep. Emilia Sykes asks the Justice Department to investigate the Akron police department after the Jayland Walker shooting death This is very similar to what happened after Tamir Rice’s killer wasn’t charged. The ask is for the Justice Department to investigate the 
” patterns and practices ” of the entire department. Let’s hope it happens!
Since Grand Juries seem to almost always lack the necessary evidence to indict a police officer, civil lawsuits are often needed. But ” Qualified Immunity ” makes it nearly impossible for plaintiffs to win a lawsuit in a police abuse case.
A Voting Rights Struggle Masquerading as a Crime Debate Across the country predominately white, conservative state legislators are utilizing strategies reminiscent of the Jim Crow era to undermine self – governance of Black majority cities. The excuse is crime, but the reality is disenfranchisement of Black voters.
Former police officer who shot Breonna Taylor has a new job in law enforcement In November the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council voted not to revoke the murderer’s license. The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the hiring last week justifying it by saying he wasn’t charged with anything. WTF!
The Biden administration has announced that it will set up migrant processing centers in Latin America, increase deportations and expand legal migration pathways to ease the surge. In other words – whatever makes him look best politically as he seeks re – election.
Rice’s departure brings relief to immigration advocates Susan Rice announced last week that she was resigning her position as head of the Domestic Policy Council. Many immigration advocates viewed her as being responsible for Biden’s right – wing policies. Fingers crossed on her replacement
3000 migrants begin to walk north from southern Mexico The walk is a protest procession through Mexico to demand an end to detention centers like the one that caught fire last month killing 40 migrants. Let’s hope they stay and that their message is heard!
Afghan Women Who Fought With U.S. Military Seek Legal Immigration Status Members of an all female tactical unit who fought with the U.S. are asking Congress to grant them permanent legal status. Asylum should be granted to those with a credible fear of persecution should they return to their home country. Do you think these Afghan women have a credible fear?
Upcoming CCPC Events
CCPC May Membership Meeting: More Issue Updates Wednesday, May 10 from 6:30 to 8 pm Agenda items so far include 1) Protect Choice Ohio Cuyahoga County Field Director Troy Greenfield will give an update on the abortion access constitutional amendment signature gathering effort.2) CWA Local 4302 President Joe Snyder will speak about CWA’s initiative to make internet more accessible in low – income communities 3) Cleveland State University Law Professor Matthew Ahn will speak about Critical Race Theory and how we should talk about it before the upcoming School Board elections this year in many communities. Please click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link
And in case you missed it
Steve Holecko
CCPC Political Director
440 220 1874

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Randy’s Rants Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll...

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Randy’s Rants Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll...

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Randy’s Rants Randy’s Rants is a series of essays by legendary Cleveland author, activist and CCPC Member Randy Cunningham. We’ll...

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