CCPC News + Events: Sept. 29, 2022

Upcoming CCPC Events

Shut Down Fake Pregnancy Centers! Thursday, October 6 from 11 am to 1 pm @ Cleveland Pregnancy Center, 3924 Lorain Ave. Cleveland 44113. Long before the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v Wade, anti – choice extremists have been attacking abortion access. One of their tactics is setting up fake ” pregnancy centers ” that look like medical clinics but don’t practice medicine or follow standardized ethics. There are six of these pregnancy centers in Cuyahoga County, and we need your help to SHUT. THEM. DOWN . Join us to #exposefakeclinics one by one starting with the Cleveland Pregnancy Center in Cleveland. We’ll gather on the street in front of the center to raise awareness and provide handouts with actual resources for people seeking care. And we won’t be alone – medical professionals and students are standing with us to stop these fake clinics. Sign making for this event: Monday, October 3 from 6 to 8 pm @ CCPC Office, 11910 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107. Please bring markers and posters if possible.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers & Post – Roe America

So – called ‘ crisis pregnancy centers ‘ are surveilling clients and may help criminalize them

CCPC October Meeting with Heather Booth Tuesday, October 18 from 6:30 to 8 pm. Join us to hear Heather Booth, the community activist who organized an underground abortion network in the 1960’s known as Jane. A documentary about her work in Chicago, ” The Janes ” was released this year. Throughout her career as an organizer and political strategist, Heather has worked in civil rights, women’s rights and other movements. We will also be giving an update on the upcoming Midterm Election. Click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link.

And in case you missed it

Video of CCPC September Membership Meeting: Fighting Back Against Dobbs

Ohio Supreme Court Races

Why you should be paying attention to Ohio Supreme Court Races describes what’s at stake with abortion, redistricting and LGBTQ rights. Would you rather have Democrats Jennifer Brunner, Terri Jamison and Marilyn Zayas or Fascist Republicans ruling on these cases next year?

JD Vance Fundraiser at Jimmy Haslam’s House and One of CCPC’s Greatest Hits

Here Are All the Filthy Rich Clevelanders Going to Dee and Jimmy Haslam’s House to Donate $25,000 to J.D. Vance A special thanks to our friend Sam Allard from Scene Magazine for finding this out and getting it to us. Referenced in the article is our famous Frank’s Fat Cat Festival Protest in Gates Mills outside of a similar Frank Jackson event in 2017 which brings back fond memories to those of us that were there. Please click the link to reminisce if you were there or to find out what happened if you weren’t.

Take Action Now!

Jets that Flew Migrants from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard were from Charter Company based at Akron – Canton Airport

Please click this link and Take Action Now if this angers you.

Texas sheriff opens criminal investigation into DeSantis’ flight of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

We Need Your Help!

CCPC has always been an all-volunteer organization fueled by people who share a vision of a more just world and a commitment to building it. In an effort to expand our work and be more active in the community, we’d like to hear from you!

Please fill out this brief survey to tell us about the issues that are most important to you, share any talents you’d be willing to lend to CCPC and what you’d like to see from our organization going forward. Thank you!

Guardians for Fair Work

Cleveland Could Move To Address Wage Theft: How To Do It Right Is an excellent explanation by CCPC member Justin Strekal

Add Your Name: Endorse the Fair Work Campaign

ACLU of Ohio Listening Campaign Survey

ACLU of Ohio Listening Campaign Survey

Chris Ronayne for County Executive Volunteer Opportunities

Virtual Phone Bank Every Wednesday beginning August 24 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Click the link to register and receive the Zoom link

In Person Phone Bank Wednesday, October 19 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Click the link to register and receive event location

Jennifer O’Donnell for Judge Final Fundraiser

Jennifer O’Donnell for Judge Final Fundraiser Thursday, September 29 from 5 to 7 pm @ Bottlehouse Brewery, 2050 Lee Rd. Cleveland Heights 44118

Nan Whaley for Governor Volunteer Opportunities

Virtual Phone Bank Every Tuesday from 5:30 to 8 pm. Click the link to RSVP and receive the Zoom link

Ohio Workers First Campaign Volunteer Opportunities

Ohio Workers First Campaign Volunteer Opportunities

Are You Thinking About Running for Office in 2023?

If so, please check out the links below:

Run for Office

Defeating Republican Suburban Mayors Starts Now with Progressive Challenger Recruitment

And please let us know if you decide to do it or if you have any questions!

Ohio Progressive Action Leaders Local Events

Social Media Activism Every Monday and Wednesday from noon to 1 pm ( digital )

Vote Forward Letters Every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 pm ( digital )

Who’s Who in 2022 – What do the candidates in Ohio stand for? Monday, October 24 from 7 to 8:30 pm ( digital )

Ballot Chase Kick Off Sunday, October 9 from 4 to 5 pm, Tuesday, October 11 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm and Thursday, October 13 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm (digital)

Early Vote at Cuyahoga BOE Wednesday, October 12 from 4 to 7 pm @ Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, 2925 E. 30th St. Cleveland 44115

UUCC Fall Forums That Matter

Our friends at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland have scheduled some excellent community forums this fall. All of the forums are on Sunday morning from 9 to 10 am.You can attend live at 21600 Shaker Blvd. Shaker Heights 44122 or register for a Zoom link. The complete schedule and event descriptions are in the link below

UUCC Fall Forums That Matter

Black Lives Matter

Cleveland Police Hiring Practices Are ‘ Alarming ‘ and ‘ Disturbing ‘

Committee Recommends CSU Remove ” Marshall ” From its Law School Name

Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition Autumn Health & Wellness Festival Saturday, October 1 from 10 am to 2 pm @ Gawron Park, corner of E.137th St and Harvard Ave. Cleveland 44105

It Takes a Village: Improving Black Infant and Maternal Health Friday, October 21 from 11:30 am to 1 pm @ The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44114 or click the link to view online

The Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth Friday, November 18 from 11:30 am to 1 pm @ The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44114 or click the link to view online

The People’s Archive of Police Violence in Cleveland is a space for healing, accountability, and justice. Add your voice and tell the real story of the ongoing protests in and around Cleveland. Go to and click on “Tell Your Story” to submit pictures, videos, and narratives with your name or anonymously. This archive is endorsed by Black Lives Matter Cleveland, Black Man Army, Puncture the Silence – Stop Mass Incarceration, and the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition. Visit the Facebook page

Other Upcoming Events

Care Response Town Hall Thursday, September 29 @ 6 pm @ Harper’s Pointe, 3875 W. 25th St. Cleveland 44109

Cleveland Ward 15 Canvassing Every Saturday from 9 am to noon @ 9821 Macon Ave. Cleveland 44102

Cleveland Ward 14 Voter Registration and Canvass Spanish Speakers Welcome! Saturday, October 1 from noon to 3 pm and Sunday, October 2 @ 10 am Click the link to register and receive event location

Cleveland Ward 15 Postcard Writing Parties Every Sunday thru October 16 from 4 to 6 pm @ Sommerfelt’s Backyard, 6722 Franklin Blvd. Cleveland 44102

DSA Movie Night: Screening of ” The Battle of Algiers “ Monday, October 3 @ 6:30 pm @ Brooklyn Library, 4480 Ridge Rd. Brooklyn 44144

Action Together Lakewood Take Action Tuesdays: Pizza & Postcards Tuesday, October 4 and 11 from 6 to 9 pm @ Sauced Taproom and Kitchen, 14701 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107

A Health Equities Workshop Addressing Barriers to Healthcare for Latino Communities in Ohio Tuesday, October 4 from 7 to 8:30 pm ( digital )

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with SPAN Ohio Tuesday, October 4 @ 7 pm ( digital )

Cuyahoga County Executive Candidate Forum on Health, Human Services and Critical Needs Thursday, October 6 @ 7 pm  @ Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, 4515 Superior Ave. Cleveland 44103 or click the to register to receive a Zoom link if you can’t make it live

Pro – Choice Ohio Ramp Up For Repro Friday, October 7 and November 11 from 11:30 am to 1 pm and Wednesday, October 26 from 6 to 7:30 pm( digital )

2022 Ohio Fair Trade Teach – In & Expo Saturday, October 8 from 9 am to 2 pm @ John Carroll University Dolan Science Center, 2700 North Park Blvd. Cleveland Heights 44106

2nd Heights Eco Fair Saturday, October 8 from noon to 4 pm @ Coventry PEACE Park, 2843 Washington Blvd. Cleveland Heights 44118

I Bike, I Ride Transit, I Vote: A Conversation With County Executive Candidates Thursday, October 13   @ 6:30 pm @ Goldhorn Brewery, 1361 E. 55th St. Cleveland 44103

2022 Pro – Choice Ohio Virtual 5K Race for Repro Freedom Saturday, October 15 @ noon

NEOCHtoberfest Saturday, October 15 @ 7 pm @ St. Edward High School, 13500 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107

BWPAC Candidates Meet & Greet Event Saturday, October 22 from noon to 4 pm @ Mediterranean Party Center, 25021 Rockside Rd. Bedford Heights 44146

Also in the News


Wondolowski’s port authority appointment called into question again for violating rules This time it’s the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor that’s doing the investigation

Garfield Heights Teachers Association Authorizes 10 – Day Strike Notice Good luck to our brothers and sisters in Garfield Heights.

NEOCH – toberfest set. Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless fundraiser is coming up Please try to make it to this worthwhile event on October 15


10 Year Old Wasn’t Only Ohio Minor Forced to Travel for Abortion After Being Raped As the horror of the ‘ Heartbeat Law ‘ continues to unfold

Republicans J.D. Vance, Mike DeWine reject Ohio Debate Commission invitations to debate Democratic rivals The last thing the Fascist Party wants is dialogue in a debate format.

Ohio Supreme Court restores election denier to November ballot Hopefully the Q Anon lunatic will take a lot of votes away from Frank LaRose


New ‘ Striketober ‘ looms as US walkouts increase amid surge in union activity As company profits surge, workers are taking action to increase pay and improve working conditions

How Democrats Can Turn Out Young Voters Argues that the economy must be addressed along with abortion and fascism

Conservation official says Colorado River reserves could run dry in as few as three years Lack of water in the southwest is assured as climate change continues.

End Poverty Now Cleveland

Please check out and like the End Poverty Now Cleveland Facebook page!

Immigration Updates

Immigrant Defense Fund Click here to donate, and please share!

Immigration Working Group CLE

Follow The Immigration Working Group CLE for updates and actions from a coalition of organizations and local community activists advocating for immigrant rights.

Immigration News

Florida, Texas Dial Up Their War on Immigrants

The US’s ‘ immigration crisis ‘ is admitting too few immigrants, not too many

Immigration Politics Bog Down Humanitarian Funds for Migrants

Please let us know if you have anything else that needs to be included in CCPC News and Events

Steve Holecko, CCPC Political Director, 440 220 1874

Connect with CCPC

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