CCPC News + Events: November 23, 2022

Upcoming CCPC Events

Shut Down Fake Pregnancy Centers – Round 4 Saturday, December 3 from noon to 1 pm @ Birthright of Lakewood, 14701 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107, Long before the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v Wade, anti – choice extremists have been attacking abortion access. One of their tactics is setting up fake ” pregnancy centers ” that look like medical clinics but don’t practice medicine or follow standardized ethics. There are six of these pregnancy centers in Cuyahoga County, and we need your help to SHUT. THEM. DOWN . Join us to #exposefakeclinics one by one, at our fourth location, Birthright of Lakewood. We’ll gather on the street in front of the center to raise awareness and provide handouts with actual resources for people seeking care. And we won’t be alone – medical professionals and students are standing with us to stop these fake clinics!

CCPC Seventh Anniversary Celebration & Fundraiser Friday, January 20 from 5 to 8 pm @ The Ohio Inn, 11822 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107. We haven’t got together for a Holiday Party since before the Pandemic. This year it looks like we can! But instead of getting together in December when people are busy getting ready for the holidays, we thought it best to wait until January and celebrate the seventh anniversary of our office opening in 2016! And we have a venue just down the street from our office. The Ohio Inn has a cash bar and we’ll provide the food. If you can’t make it but can make a donation please click here or mail a check made out to Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus to CCPC Office, 11910 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107. If you can make it but can’t make a donation at this time please come anyway for the celebration! Also, we’d like to know how many are coming so we know how much food to bring. Please RSVP by responding to this email, clicking the going link on the facebook event or by calling Steve at 440 220 1874.

And in case you missed it

Video of CCPC November Meeting: Debrief the 2022 Elections

A Better Cleveland for All: 2023 Kickoff and Fundraiser

A Better Cleveland for All: 2023 Kickoff and Fundraiser Wednesday, December 7 from 5:30 to 8 pm @ Forest City Brewery, 2136 Columbus Rd. Cleveland 44113

A Better Cleveland for All: A Progressive PAC in Cleveland

Ohio General Assembly Lame Duck Session

From now through December 31 the Ohio Legislature will be in Lame Duck Session. During this time, Ohio’s Republican Supermajority is expected to move some very bad bills quickly through the Statehouse. Please click here for a comprehensive listing of the bills and what you can do to help stop them.

There are No Isolated Incidents by Randy Cunningham

During a news report on the shootings at the Q Nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, one of the reporters speculated on whether this was an isolated incident. Shootings, such as the one in Colorado Springs, are never isolated incidents. There is no such thing as an isolated shooting. All such incidents have occurred because of actions leading up to them. Some of these actions were taken far from the location of the shooting, and days, months, and years before the final violence.

There are the people who pay the ultimate price for the violence, and then those who profit many times over at each step leading to the incident. There were many fingerprints on the gun used in the Colorado Springs shooting. There are the fingerprints of the manufacturers, the gun store that sold the gun, the people who made the ammunition, and the shooter. But that is not even close to a full tallying of the fingerprints of guilt. There are the fingerprints of the gun lobbyists. And in this case there are the fingerprints of the politicians, and their consultants who profited from promoting anti-LGBTQ policies and legislation. In the past political year, 345 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in the state legislatures of this country.

We have such people in the Ohio State House in Columbus. We have them on the Ohio Board of Education pushing a resolution opposing federal regulations protecting LGBTQ children from discrimination. Are they responsible for the shooting in Colorado Springs? After all, they are honorable people. They are church going. They are the pillars of their communities. They may not be guilty of pulling the trigger at the Q Nightclub. But they are far from innocent. They have built their careers as the purveyors of the poison of anti-LGBTQ bigotry. They have created and profited from an atmosphere that fed the hate of the shooter and inspired him to go to the Q Nightclub and commit mass murder.

We can be sure that these honorable people are going to send their “thoughts and prayers“ to the victims and their families and loved ones. They should consult their Bibles for the passages denouncing hypocrisy and describing wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Don’t sympathize. Organize and act!! Go to the web site at Honesty for Ohio Education and learn how you can fight back against the anti-LGBTQ resolutions

Are You Thinking About Running for Office in 2023?

If so, please check out the links below

Run for Office

Defeating Republican Suburban Mayors Starts Now with Progressive Challenger Recruitment

And please let us know if you decide to do it or if you have any questions

We Need Your Help!

CCPC has always been an all-volunteer organization fueled by people who share a vision of a more just world and a commitment to building it. In an effort to expand our work and be more active in the community, we’d like to hear from you!

Please fill out this brief survey to tell us about the issues that are most important to you, share any talents you’d be willing to lend to CCPC and what you’d like to see from our organization going forward. Thank you!

Black Lives Matter

How a Wealthy Cleveland Suburb Profits From Ticketing Black Drivers

The People’s Archive of Police Violence in Cleveland is a space for healing, accountability, and justice. Add your voice and tell the real story of the ongoing protests in and around Cleveland. Go to and click on “Tell Your Story” to submit pictures, videos, and narratives with your name or anonymously. This archive is endorsed by Black Lives Matter Cleveland, Black Man Army, Puncture the Silence – Stop Mass Incarceration, and the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition. Visit the Facebook page

Other Upcoming Events

Take Action Tuesdays: Georgia Runoff Edition Tuesday, November 29 from 11:30 am to 1 pm @ Nature’s Oasis, 15613 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107 and from 6 to 9 pm @ Sauced Taproom & Kitchen, 14701 Detroit Ave. Lakewood 44107

The Changing Landscape of Reproductive Rights Wednesday, November 30 from 11:30 am to 1 pm @ The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44114 or click the link to view online

Pro – Choice Ohio Ramp Up For Repro Wednesday, November 30 from 6 to 7:30 pm and Friday, December 9 from 11:30 am to 1 pm ( digital )

Ohio Fair Lending and Vital Communities Conference Friday, December 2 from 8:30 am to 2:10 pm ( digital )

League of Women Voters’ Ohio Statehouse Day! Wednesday, December 7 from 8:30 am to 5 pm @ Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus 43215

The Midterms and Beyond: A Path for Climate Justice Wednesday, December 14 @ 1 pm (digital)

Also in the News


In Greater Cleveland, Federal COVID Relief For Criminal Justice Goes Mostly to Pay Police Only a fraction of local ARPA spending has gone towards violence prevention.

Federal rental assistance, expiring next month, is expected to tally $108M in Cuyahoga County since the start of Pandemic . What happens after it expires? Inflation is still making it difficult for low income people to pay their rent.

Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb eyes re – election And he is already amassing big dollar corporate contributions


Hey, Democrats. Don’t Give Up on Ohio Provides some optimism after the dismal midterms

Ohio Republicans Launch Effort to Make Citizen – Led Constitutional Amendments Harder to Pass Should 40% of the population be able to override something that 60% favor?

Who’s the most dastardly Ohio politician, Frank LaRose or Jim Jordan? A few years ago the answer would have been clearly Jordan, but Facist Frank has closed the gap to make it real toss up.


Yes, Democrats Really Do Need Georgia Our friends at Mother Jones suggest six reasons why Warnock vs Walker still matters

Bipartisan Senate majority advances Respect for Marriage Act Great news. Let’s hope it passes in the lame – duck house as well.

Garland names special counsel to lead Trump – related probes A move that many believe makes indictment more likely

End Poverty Now Cleveland

Please check out and like the End Poverty Now Cleveland Facebook page!

Immigration Updates

Immigrant Defense Fund

Click here to donate, and please share!

Immigration Working Group CLE

Follow The Immigration Working Group CLE for updates and actions from a coalition of organizations and local community activists advocating for immigrant rights.

Immigration News

House Democrats choose DACA over other immigration priorities in lame – duck session

Why foreign workers in the US are especially vulnerable to the Twitter turmoil

Population in the US: as small towns shrink, is immigration the answer?

Please let us know if you have anything else that needs to be included in CCPC News and Events

Steve Holecko, CCPC Political Director, 440 220 1874

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