CCPC News + Events: February 23, 2023

CCPC March Membership Meeting 
CCPC March Membership Meeting: Browns Domed Stadium – Who Pays? Wednesday, March 15 from 6:30 to 8 pm. As you may know, the Cleveland Browns have been floating the idea of building a new domed stadium which could cost as much as $2 billion. At our March meeting we’re going to do a cost vs. benefit analysis of public sector dollars going into projects like this. Our special guest is West Virginia University professor and renowned stadium finance expert Dr. Brad Humphreys. CCPC will also provide a local activist perspective from our past work on the 2017 Q renovations and referendum effort and the Guardians’ more recent Progressive Field renovation project. We’d like to hear from you ahead of time. Included in the registration link is a section where you can share your thoughts on the issue. Please click here to register for the event. After registering you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link.
And if this topic interests you please check out the video below Robert Reich recorded just before the Super Bowl
And in case you missed it

Video of CCPC February Membership Meeting: Updates on Issues

Special Thanks

Ohio abortion rights campaign unveils ballot proposal in first official step for possible statewide November vote

A special thanks to those of you who circulated and / or signed the petition last weekend. On Tuesday those signatures were submitted as part of the initial 1000 valid signatures needed before  the ballot language approval process could begin. Attorney General Dave Yost’s office now has ten days to approve or reject the language. And so we wait with our finger crossed!

Parma City Council Endorsement Vote

Monica Wilson is seeking the CCPC endorsement for her Ward 1 Parma City Council race.. All CCPC candidate endorsements are determined by a vote of our membership in the community they seek to get elected in. So the endorsement ballot below is for Parma CCPC members only. If only one candidate seeks an endorsement we still ask our membership to approve or disapprove the endorsement. A 2 / 3 threshold is required for an endorsement to occur. In the link below you will find the Endorsement Application and Questionnaires that Monica submitted. You will also find the ballot where you can vote to either approve or disapprove each endorsement. Please submit your vote by the end of the day on Sunday, February 26.

CCPC Parma City Council Endorsement Vote

Local Progressive Candidates Needed in 2023

Around  Cuyahoga County in 2023 most of the election action is in our suburban communities. Suburban communities will be electing mayors, city council members and school board members. Suburban elections are on a much smaller scale than the Ohio General Assembly, County Council and U.S. Congressional elections. That makes them more winnable for two reasons 1) An aggressive door knocking campaign can reach a higher percentage of the electorate and 2) You don’t need as much money to win.

The recent right wing attacks on our public education system have shown how important local school board positions are. And it has always been important to have progressives on local city councils and as mayors. Run for Office is CCPC’s guide on how to do it. Below are two articles on why to do it and two training sessions on how to do it.

Progressives Must Not Concede School Board Elections to the Right

Defeating Republican Suburban Mayors Starts Now with Progressive Challenger Recruitment

So, You Want to Run? Running for Office 101 Thursday, February 23 from 7 to 8:30 pm (digital)

So, You’re Starting Your Campaign? Running for Office 201 Tuesday, February 28 and Wednesday, March 1 from 7 to 8:30 pm ( digital )

Northeast Ohio Campaign Management Bootcamp Saturday, March 4 from 9 am to 5:30 pm in North Olmsted. Click the link to register and receive event location, full schedule and other materials. Training is free and lunch is provided.

Please let us know if you decide to do it or if you have any questions

Take Action to Stop Senate Bill 1

And say NO to the Republican takeover of public education in Ohio. Please click here to review the bill and to see what you can do to help stop it

Protect Choice Ohio Ramp Up for Repro Monthly Training Sessions

The monthly Ramp Up for Repro sessions will acquaint you with political advocacy tactics, repro lingo and help you find the best way to get involved. Each month we’ll dive into movement ecology, abortion messaging, the current landscape of abortion access, and provide next steps for you to take action. Training sessions are from 6 to 8 pm on Wednesday evenings by Zoom. Please click her to see the complete list of dates and to register for the sessions that best fit your schedule

Are You Over 60 Years Old?

If so please check out Third Act Ohio, an activist group of people 60 and older who care about the health of our planet and democracy. And if this interests you please Join the Third Act Ohio Working Group And stay tuned as details are finalized for the local event below the group is planning in March

Stop Dirty Banks Who Fund Climate Chaos Day of Action Tuesday, March 21 from 11 am to 12:30 pm. Click the link to sign up and receive the Cleveland location as soon as it is determined.

Upcoming Northeast Ohio Worker Center Wage Theft Clinics

Saturday, February 25 from noon to 3 pm @ Ohio City Incorporated, 3308 Lorain Ave. Cleveland 44113

Saturday, March 4 from noon to 3 pm @ St. Paul’s Community Church, 4427 Franklin Ave. Cleveland 44113

Saturday, April 8 from noon to 3 pm @ Cornucopia Place, 7201 Kinsman Rd. Cleveland 44104

Please click here to register to view any of the Clinics on Zoom

We Need Your Help!

CCPC has always been an all-volunteer organization fueled by people who share a vision of a more just world and a commitment to building it. In an effort to expand our work and be more active in the community, we’d like to hear from you!

Please fill out this brief survey to tell us about the issues that are most important to you, share any talents you’d be willing to lend to CCPC and what you’d like to see from our organization going forward. Thank you!

From Our Friends at SPAN Ohio

Span Ohio Winter Newsletter

Health Equity Workshop: Women’s Health Tuesday, March 21 from 8 to 9 pm ( digital )

Black Lives Matter
The Environmental Impacts of Racism: Project 400 Friday, February 24 and Saturday, February 25 from 10 am to 2:30 pm @ Cleveland State University Roberta Steinbacher Atrium, 1717 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44115
A Shift in the Political Landscape: Black Women Running Cities Wednesday, March 8  from 11:30 am to 1 pm @ The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44114. Click the link to reserve tickets or to view online
March in Memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tuesday, April 4 @ 3:15 pm @ Cory United Methodist Church, 1117 E. 105th St. Cleveland 44108. March begins @ 4 pm. The Rosa Parks bus will drive you to the start location. The march ends at Cory
The People’s Archive of Police Violence in Cleveland is a space for healing, accountability, and justice. Add your voice and tell the real story of the ongoing protests in and around Cleveland. Go to and click on “Tell Your Story” to submit pictures, videos, and narratives with your name or anonymously. This archive is endorsed by Black Lives Matter Cleveland, Black Man Army, Puncture the Silence – Stop Mass Incarceration, and the Northeast Ohio Black Health CoalitionVisit the Facebook page
Other Upcoming Events
Ohio Revised Code 101 Thursday, February 23 from 5 to 6 pm ( digital )
Sierra Club Legislative Update & Lobby Training Thursday, February 23 from 6 to 7 pm (digital)
The Current State of Gun Laws in Ohio Thursday, February 23 @ 7 pm ( digital )
Do Something Now! Assert Your Community Rights! Thursday, February 23 from 8 to 9:30  pm ( digital )
Clevelanders for Public Transit February Riders Meeting Saturday, February 25 @ 11 am @ Cleveland Public Library Main Branch Room B, 525 Superior Ave. Cleveland 44114 or click the link to register to attend by Zoom
Medicare: Privatized, Endangered or Reformed? Sunday, February 26 from 9 to 10 am @ Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland, 21600 Shaker Blvd. Shaker Heights 44122 or click the link to register to attend by Zoom.
Moore v. Harper and Independent State Legislature Theory Friday, March 3 from noon to 1 pm ( digital )
Honesty for Ohio Education Lunch & Learn Friday, March 3 and Friday, April 7 @ noon (digital)
Plastics Are Everywhere: Including in Us Sunday, March 5 from 9 to 10 am @ Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland, 21600 Shaker Blvd. Shaker Heights 44122 or click the link to register to attend by Zoom.
Fair Districts Ohio All Volunteer Huddles Wednesday, March 8 and Wednesday, April 12 @ 6 pm (digital)
Food For Thought: Why Budgets Matter Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30 pm @ Happy Dog Cleveland, 5801 Detroit Ave. Cleveland 44102
Stop Dirty Banks Who Fund Climate Chaos Day of Action Tuesday, March 21 from 11 am to 12:30 pm. Click the link to sign up and receive the Cleveland location as soon as it is determined.
Moms Demand Action Ohio Advocacy Day Wednesday, March 22 @ 9 am @ Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad St. Columbus 43215
Northeast Ohio Poor People’s Campaign Mass Meeting Wednesday, March 22 @ First Christian Church of Niles, 33 North Arlington Ave. Niles, Ohio 44446
Immigration UpdatesCleveland Jobs With Justice and other leaders and organizations in Cleveland have launched a new fundraising vehicle to be able to provide flights, bond, and other assistance to immigrants harmed by ICE enforcement right here in Ohio. All donations are tax-deductible.

Immigrant Defense Fund Click here to donate, and please share!

Immigration Working Group CLEfor updates and actions from a coalition of organizations and local community activists advocating for immigrant rights.

Follow The Immigration Working Group CLE

CCPC Partner Organizations

Please let us know if you have anything else that needs to be included in CCPC News and Events

Steve Holecko
CCPC Political Director
440 220 1874

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